A country you would like to visit


The dreams seem unreachable, but with time it can be reach with sacrifice and perseverance. As said on the anime “Digimon”: “ If you want, you can fly, you just have to trust” or as said on the Principito “Make your life a dream and your dreams a reality”.
For this, I will tell that the place I would love to visit is Italy. I have always wanted to visit Italy, mainly for its language, because its sounds very beautiful. Besides it its gastronomy, as I would like eat all italian pasta in a famous restaurant of the place, I don’t know any restaurant, but in the moment I will discover them and just think about it makes me hungry. Also, I can’t forgot about its monuments as the Tower of Pizza or the Colosseum of Rome, this had an old history of fight and survival. As well as Vatican. Although I am not catholic, I maintain the admiration and the emotion to visit it.
This is my dream, I wait someday accomplish it.


  1. Nothing like eating pasta un your home country. Sounds very interesting the Roman Colosseum I hope you can go visit ir.

  2. Italia looks like a beatiful country to visit, I love pasta too!
    I hope you can accomplish your dream c:


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